
A way to get started

Try out some of the tools below as part of your Digital journey.

Here we provide a selection of downloads that you can use n your own business. These include how to map a Customer Journey including a canvas to download and print as well as a Canvas to use when you design your business. All tools have been developed and used and are a compliment to the book, How to Design A Profitable Business in a Digital World.

A Guide to mapping your Customer Journey

Mapping your customer journey is one of the most important activities for any business. It allows you to understand in great detail how your customers buy and how you can help them. Here we provide a guide to use when you are mapping your customer journey. It can be used with the canvas that you can find here in the tools section to be downloaded and printed. Download the customer journey map Customer Journey Mapping Guide v1.302

A Canvas to map your Customer Journey

A canvas that you can print and use to map your customer journey. This is in an A0 format which is the suggested size. We often use double this size as it can make it easier when working with a team. Customer Journey Map 2020-03-04